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Elisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin: the exemplarity of a career in the service of the State




Teacher-researcher, senior civil servant, diplomat, and now CEO of Cirad, an organization for scientific and diplomatic cooperation, Elisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin (class of 1995) embodies a path of public engagement, fueled by deep convictions that have shaped her exemplarity.


An insatiable curiosity drives Elisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin to accumulate degrees and diplomas with happiness and success. At ENS Paris-Saclay, she obtained her Master's degree and the agrégation in economics in the same year. She simultaneously pursued a program in sociology at Sciences Po and obtained the agrégation in social sciences a year later. "I put all the odds in my favor to obtain a scholarship as a normalien monitor," recalls Elisabeth. It was a winning strategy, as she was recruited by the University of Paris 1 where she taught for three years and embarked on a thesis she would never finish. After a second position as an associate professor at the University of Paris 5, Elisabeth decided to attempt the ENA. "I wanted to work at the Ministry of Economy, but the bridges between research and administration were not as smooth as they are today." She then prepared intensively for the external competition, alone, and passed it with flying colors (class of 2000). "My journey reflects my personality. I built up intellectual baggage at ENS Paris-Saclay, then experimented with the research environment for five years before making my decision. The ENA opened the doors to government ministries, but it was at the École normale that I acquired the qualities necessary to pass the exam."


International Diplomacy 

Elisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin embarked on a new career in the senior civil service, both in France and internationally. For each of her positions, she imposed the same intellectual rigor to analyze, make decisions, and implement them, a methodology acquired at ENS Paris-Saclay, which she never forgot. "I dealt with European affairs, community policies, military strategy... For example, even though I knew nothing about NATO, I didn't hesitate to tackle every new issue that arose thanks to this method, which pushes us to delve deeper into understanding a subject, a characteristic of the training of all normaliens. Moreover, it is no coincidence that many of us are found in decision-making positions," she points out.

Arriving at Cirad as Deputy CEO for Research and Strategy, Elisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin was appointed CEO in 2021, the first woman to hold this position. With dual ministerial oversight and collaborations with two other ministries, Cirad is a state operator. To carry out her mission successfully, Elisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin draws on all her past experiences. "I am both a senior civil servant and a CEO: I set strategic directions, manage an institution, a budget, and human resources."


War , Peace, Climate

Questions of war and peace have preoccupied Elisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin since her youth. "I need a 'narrative' to engage in my positions. My public engagement is a way for me to serve the State with a strong emphasis on fidelity to humanistic and republican values. European diplomacy, perhaps the strongest line of my career, also contributes to this republican momentum," she illustrates. For her, climate issues are also central to questions of war and peace. "If we don't find a solution, we are heading towards major conflicts. However, I believe that cooperation is preferable to conflict. By coming to Cirad, I haven't strayed too far from these issues, which require a lot of collective intelligence to progress."


A School of the Republic to Go Far

Every path is open to a normalien, as long as they cultivate the rigor and intellectual demands imparted by ENS Paris-Saclay, according to Elisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin. Today's youth judge the value of a school based on the diversity of paths, whether public or private. "Our generation doubted, but they assert that they don't know what they envision for their future," she asserts. So, a school that offers excellence, methodology, and values, from which they will chart their own course, should naturally attract them." She strongly advises students not to hesitate to gain experience in different fields. "Take advantage of the privilege that allows you to be paid to pursue your curiosity to the fullest extent!"

The daughter of modest parents, Elisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin has had a brilliant career thanks to the schools of the Republic. "Despite the criticisms we sometimes hear, I would like to testify to all the doors they have opened, for me and for others," she concludes.


Bio Summary of Elisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin

A graduate of ENS and ENA, Elisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin began her career as a researcher in microeconomics.

Joining the civil service in 1993, her career quickly became interministerial, working directly under the authority of three French ministries (Finance, Research, Foreign Affairs) as well as for a foreign government (Spain).

From 2013, she served as Senior Adviser for France at the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington DC (United States), where she was involved in building and steering public development aid policies.

In 2016, she returned to France and became Deputy Director of Sustainable Development at the Directorate-General for Globalization, Culture, Education, and International Development at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Through this journey, she developed a strong sensitivity to biodiversity and climate issues in the European and multilateral context.

In 2018, she joined Cirad as Deputy CEO for Research and Strategy, before being appointed President-CEO on June 16, 2021.


Mandates within other organizations:

  • Board member of INRAE, the National Institute for Agricultural Research and the Environment
  • Board member of the Institute for Research and Development (IRD)
  • Board member of Agropolis Foundation
  • Board member of IDDRI, the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations
  • Board member of the NGO Convergences
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the French Development Agency (AFD)
  • Member of the strategic committee of Digitag
  • Member of CNDSI, the National Committee for Development and International Solidarity
  • Member of the Montpellier Malabo International Panel


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