The Balance of the Apprenticeship Tax
ENS Paris-Saclay launches its campaign to collect the balance of the apprenticeship tax.
This is an opportunity for companies to contribute to the excellence of education in an environment conducive to the academic and professional development of normaliens.
What is the apprenticeship tax used for?
It plays a crucial role in financing the school's various projects in 2024:
- Pedagogical projects aimed at modernizing teaching methods and offering innovative learning experiences
- Organization of conferences and symposiums to promote intellectual exchanges and knowledge sharing
- Improvement of student living conditions to ensure an environment conducive to their well-being
- Development of international partnerships to open new learning and cultural exchange opportunities for students
How it works
Since 2023, the balance of the apprenticeship tax must be declared and paid annually to the URSSAF via the Nominative Social Declaration (DSN). Companies must then express their allocation wishes on the SOLTéA platform. Discover the new procedures for paying the balance of the apprenticeship tax.
SOLTéA, the platform to allocate your apprenticeship tax balance
Companies can directly allocate the 2024 apprenticeship tax balance to ENS Paris-Saclay on the SOLTéA distribution platform.
To support the institution of your choice, declaration on the SOLTéA platform is mandatory.
- Log in to the SOLTéA platform with your credentials (between May 27 and October 4, 2024);
- Select the beneficiary institution ENS Paris-Saclay or search by:
- SIRET number: 19940607500036
After allocation by companies on the dedicated platform, the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (manager of the SOLTéA platform) will transfer the funds to the School.