Become a Partner of ENS Paris-Saclay

ENS Paris-Saclay is the leading institution for training in higher education and research careers at the Université Paris-Saclay. In the tradition of excellence of the grandes écoles, it offers a scientifically and culturally rigorous education.

As an academic nursery of excellence, its uniqueness lies in bringing together disciplines that no other higher education institution combines in this way and at this level: fundamental sciences, engineering sciences, and social sciences.

In close collaboration with various industrial sectors (aeronautics, energy, automotive, information technology, healthcare, etc.), the school conducts numerous high-level research programs.

Why Become a Partner?

By becoming a partner of ENS Paris-Saclay, your company not only supports academic excellence but also invests in the future of innovation and in the training of the academic leaders of tomorrow.

  1. Access to a pool of talent: highly qualified students for research internships, study projects, or future recruitment. 
  2. Visibility within a normalian community of 23,000 members. 
  3. Collaboration on innovative projects (exploratory action, concerted research group, research and teaching chair). 
  4. Training for your employees (customized training in our areas of expertise).

Partnership Modes:

  • Technical and scientific collaborations: opportunities to work together on research, publications, and innovations.
  • Financial sponsorship: scholarships and specific projects.
  • Professional development: mentorship program, networking opportunities, training for your teams.
  • Provision of spaces: organization of seminars, institutional events.

How to Become a Partner?

Contact the External Relations, Alumni, and Sponsorship Department of ENS Paris-Saclay.

Sophie Lepretre, partnerships and patronage development manager