Welcome to the network of alumni and future graduates of ENS Paris-Saclay!

ENS Paris-Saclay and the ENS Alumni association have come together to offer you a new website shared by students, alumni from ENSET, ENS Cachan, and ENS Paris-Saclay, creating new synergies.

The network of alumni and future graduates of ENS Paris-Saclay:

  • Grants you access to the directory of all promotions,
  • Invites you to join your DER group,
  • Suggests consulting international groups to prepare for your ARPE year,
  • Offers internship opportunities posted by alumni and school partners,
  • Informs you of events accessible to everyone, organized by the ENS Alumni association.

Activate your account!

Who can open an account?

  • Students and alumni of ENS Paris-Saclay and its predecessors,
  • Staff members involved in teaching, research, and support for the school's missions,
  • External contacts according to specific modalities: alumni from other ENS*, public structures, and companies**.

*ENS Alumni Association is also open to alumni and former students of ENS Rennes. The ENS Alumni Club is open to alumni from ENS Paris and Lyon. These alumni from other ENS can therefore open an account as an external contact; they do not have access to internship and job offers, nor to groups except for the ENS Alumni Association group.

**On this network, we also welcome public and private partners of the school, as well as companies that offer opportunities likely to interest students (such as research internships). Recruiters do not have access to directories. Only partners have access.