Your commitment is an essential pillar of the radiance and education at ENS Paris-Saclay.

Discover philanthropic projects

Support innovation and research

Explore our philanthropic projects and discover how your financial support can catalyze innovation and research at ENS Paris-Saclay. Together, we can make significant advances in various academic fields.

Our projects:

  • Embedding scientific research at the heart of society

  • Encouraging exploration and engagement

Make a donation

Contribute to the future of education

Your donation, regardless of its size, has a significant impact on the development of ENS Paris-Saclay and the lives of its students and scholars. Support scholarships, research projects, and educational initiatives that shape the future of our normalien community.

By supporting ENS Paris-Saclay, you contribute to creating an environment conducive to innovation, cutting-edge research, and the training of committed leaders, strengthening our ability to offer excellent education.

Contributing to the ongoing success of ENS Paris-Saclay through a donation is a simple and meaningful process. Stay informed about the impact of your donation by following the news and detailed reports on projects supported by the generosity of donors like you.

In addition to contributing to educational excellence, you may also benefit from significant tax advantages depending on the tax laws in effect in your country.

Thank you for being part of our exciting mission for educational excellence