Statutes | Internal regulations | Board of Directors | ENS Alumni Club Join the group






(Recognized as a public utility by decree of July 11, 2003 published in the Official Gazette of July 19, 2003, page 12208; adopted by the general assembly on June 7, 2013, and modified to include ENS Rennes, validated by the GA of July 4, and modified to include ENS Paris-Saclay, validated by the GA of June 27, 2020)


Article 1

The Association of Former Students and Students of the ENSET (École Normale Supérieure of Technical Education), of the ENS Cachan (École Normale Supérieure of Cachan), of the ENS Rennes (École Normale Supérieure of Rennes), and of the ENS Paris-Saclay (École Normale Supérieure of Paris-Saclay), founded on August 5, 1908, aims to:

  1. actively contribute to the development and defense of the Écoles Normales Supérieures of Cachan, Rennes, and Paris Saclay and, in the broadest sense, the concept of practical sciences, technological spirit in all scientific and general disciplines taught in public establishments and in research;

  2. defend the quality of former student;

  3. maintain the friendships that students have formed during their stay in these schools and to lend each other mutual support.

The Association forbids any discussion and activity foreign to its purpose.

Its duration is unlimited.

It has its registered office at the ENS Paris-Saclay, 5 Rue de la Science, Gif-sur-Yvette 91272, Essonne.

Article 2

The means of action of the Association are the directory, the website, bulletins, publications, dissertations, courses, colloquiums, conferences, and debates, aid, and any initiative of the leaders or of mandated members.

Article 3

The Association consists of honorary members, honorary members, benefactors, and active members.

The title of honorary member is awarded by the Association's Board of Directors upon proposal by the Bureau. These members are individuals who, in the functions and positions they hold or have held within the Ministry of National Education, the ENSET, the ENS Cachan, or the ENS Rennes, render or have rendered eminent services to public Technical Education, the ENSET, the ENS Cachan, the ENS Rennes, the ENS Paris-Saclay, or the Association. This title entitles the persons who have obtained it to participate in the General Assembly, without being required to pay a membership fee.

The title of honorary member is conferred by the Association's Board of Directors upon proposal by the Bureau to the adhering members who have held responsibilities within the Association and have rendered outstanding services to it. Honorary members enjoy the rights and exercise the duties of adhering members. They may be invited to meetings of the Bureau and the Board of Directors of the Association.

Benefactors are those who work or have worked in favor of public Technical Education, the ENSET, the ENS Cachan, the ENS Rennes, the ENS Paris-Saclay, or the Association. These members, whether individuals or legal entities, are approved by the Association's Board of Directors upon proposal by the Bureau. They pay an annual membership fee. They attend the General Assembly with deliberative votes, with legal entities being represented by a mandatary, a natural person.

Active members are eligible normaliens meeting the following conditions:


  • have been part of one of the Normal Sections, or of the ENSET, the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, the École Normale Supérieure de Rennes, or the ENS Paris-Saclay as a student admitted by competitive examination;

  • be a student at the ENS Paris-Saclay or the École Normale Supérieure de Rennes admitted by application;

  • be a PhD student at the ENS Paris-Saclay or the ENS Rennes;

  • be a Boarder or former Boarder of the ENS Cachan;

  • hold a Diploma from the ENS Cachan, the ENS Paris-Saclay, or a Magistère from the ENS Rennes;

  • be teachers and/or researchers affiliated with the ENS Paris-Saclay, or members of the general services of the ENS Paris-Saclay;

b) have obtained the approval of the Association's Bureau upon written request for admission;

c) regularly pay their annual membership fee.

The General Assembly sets the amount of the contribution due by members of each category annually.

Article 4

Membership in the Association is lost:

  1. by written resignation, addressed to the President. Failure to pay the membership fee is equivalent, after two unanswered calls, to resignation;

  2. for serious reasons, by removal decided by the Association's Board of Directors, upon proposal by its Bureau. The member concerned is first asked to provide explanations, then may request to be heard by the General Assembly, which has the final decision-making authority.


Article 5

The Association is administered by the Association's Board of Directors, composed of at least 12 and at most 16 members, elected from among the members of the association as defined in Article 3, by correspondence and electronic vote, and by secret ballot, for 3 years, renewable by one-third, after publication of the minutes of the General Assembly. The Board of Directors must include at least two-thirds of normaliens adherents.

Each director may hold no more than one proxy.

The procedures for candidacy and election to the Association's Board of Directors are determined by the Internal Regulations.

In the event of a vacancy, the Association's Board of Directors shall temporarily fill the vacancies. They shall be definitively replaced by the next General Assembly. The powers of the members thus elected shall expire on the date on which the mandate of the replaced members would normally expire.

Outgoing members are eligible for re-election.

Group Presidents (as defined in Article 10) or duly authorized representatives of these groups are invited to meetings of the Board of Directors.

After verifying the elections, the Association's Board of Directors designates its Bureau, including its President, who must be a normalien adherent, through secret ballots. This Bureau is elected for one year.

Article 6

The Association's Board of Directors shall meet by any means at least once every semester: on the date set at the previous meeting, or at the discretion of the President or at the request of at least half of its members.

The presence of at least one-third of the members of the Board of Directors is required for the validity of the deliberations.

Minutes shall be kept of the meetings. The minutes shall be drawn up without omissions or erasures on numbered sheets and kept at the Headquarters of the Association. They shall be signed by the President and by the Secretary-General.

Article 7

Members of the Board of Directors shall not receive any remuneration for the functions entrusted to them.

Reimbursement of expenses, as defined in Article 19, is possible. They shall be the subject of an express decision of the Board of Directors, taken in the absence of the interested parties; justifications must be provided, which shall be verified.

Paid agents of the Association may be called upon by the President to attend, with advisory votes, meetings of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.

Article 8

The Bureau, which represents and animates the Association, includes:

  • One President (who cannot be a paid agent of the Association)
  • Two Vice-Presidents,
  • One Secretary-General
  • One Assistant Secretary
  • One Treasurer
  • One Assistant Treasurer,

without the number of Bureau members exceeding one-third of the number of Board of Directors members.

The members of this Bureau allocate the functions among themselves and may, by an absolute majority, delegate one to a member of the Board of Directors, or assign a mission to a member of the Association, who thereby becomes a "mission holder" and participates, as such, in the meetings of the Bureau and the Board of Directors without deliberative votes.

The Bureau sets the dates of its meetings. In case of urgency, it may meet at the initiative of the President or at the request of half of its members.

The Bureau may consult any person of its choice and invite them to meetings of the Bureau and the Board of Directors.

Article 9

Members of the Association may organize into defined groups validated by the General Assembly, upon proposal by the Board of Directors.

Article 10

Each defined group is administered by up to two Group Presidents, in accordance with the Statutes and the Internal Regulations of the Association, who work in coordination with the Association's Bureau.

Each group reports its activities to the Association's Bureau, which schedules their presentation at the General Assembly of the Association.

Article 11

The General Assembly of the Association includes the members as defined in Article 3.

It meets at least once a year through any means on a date set by the Association's Board of Directors or upon proposal by at least one-quarter of the Association's members.

Its agenda is established by the Board of Directors.

It hears reports on the management of the Board of Directors, on the financial and moral situation of the Association; it approves or censures the moral report and the accounts of the closed financial year, after hearing the report of the Auditors (Article 21); it votes on the budget for the following financial year.

It pronounces exclusions by an absolute majority; it deliberates on the agenda items and makes decisions by a majority of voters.

It amends the statutes according to the provisions of Article 22. It decides on the dissolution of the Association in accordance with Article 23.

Minutes of the meetings are kept. The minutes are signed by the President and the Secretary. They are kept within the association.

Article 12

In the General Assembly, each member has one vote. They may be represented by another member of the Association carrying a written proxy; the proxy holder cannot have more than 9 mandates. In case of a tie, the President's vote is decisive.

Any member may request the inclusion of a question on the agenda of the Assembly. They submit their request to the Secretary-General at least one week before the Assembly.

The annual report and accounts are communicated each year to all members of the Association.

Article 13

The Association communicates through a website, a printed bulletin, digital media, and any other means it deems appropriate. Any publication made on behalf of the Association or one of its defined groups must be carried out under the auspices of the Association's Bureau.

In this context, it publishes a directory. This includes the names, first names, promotions, and disciplines:

  1. of students admitted through competitive exams from all promotions since the creation of the "normal sections" in 1893;
  2. of PhD holders from ENS Cachan, since 2000;
  3. of graduates of ENS Cachan, from the 2009 directory onwards;
  4. of students and PhD holders from ENS Rennes since its creation in 2014;
  5. of students and PhD holders from ENS Paris-Saclay;
  6. of students enrolled at ENS Paris-Saclay or ENS Rennes in the last academic year preceding the publication of the directory.

Article 14

The President of the Board of Directors represents the Association in all acts of civil life. They authorize expenses. They may delegate in accordance with conditions set forth in the Internal Regulations.

In case of legal representation, the President can only be replaced by a proxy acting under a special power of attorney issued by them.

Representatives of the Association must enjoy full exercise of their civil rights.

Article 15

Deliberations of the Association's Board of Directors regarding the acquisition, exchange, and disposal of assets necessary for the purpose sought by the Association must be approved by the General Assembly.

Article 16

Deliberations of the Association's Board of Directors regarding the acceptance of donations and legacies shall only take effect after administrative approval given under the conditions provided for in Article 910 of the Civil Code.

Article 17

The rules of organization and operation of establishments that could depend on the Association will be defined, if applicable, by the Internal Regulations provided for in Title V of these statutes, as well as the powers conferred on the persons in charge of their management.

The rules of organization and operation of the groups defined in Article 9 are specified by the same Internal Regulations.


Article 18

The annual resources of the Association consist of:

  1. Membership fees and subscriptions from its members;
  2. Subsidies from the State, regions, departments, municipalities, and public institutions;
  3. The proceeds from bequests, the use of which is decided during the financial year;
  4. Resources created exceptionally and, if necessary, with the approval of the competent authority;
  5. The proceeds from fees for services rendered;
  6. The income from its assets;

The Association's financial year runs from January 1st to December 31st.

Article 19

An accounting is kept annually showing an income statement, a balance sheet, and an annex.

Each year, justification must be provided to the Prefect of the department, the Minister of the Interior, and the Minister responsible for higher education regarding the use of funds from all subsidies granted during the previous financial year.


Article 20

The statutes may be amended by the General Assembly upon proposal by the Board of Directors of the Association or by at least one-tenth of the members of the Association.

The Board of Directors of the Association will receive, at least one month before the General Assembly, proposals for the revision of the statutes.

In both cases provided for in the first paragraph of this article, the proposals for amendment are included on the agenda of the General Assembly and sent to all members of the Association at least 15 days in advance.

The Assembly must consist of at least one-quarter of the members in office. If this proportion is not reached, the Assembly is convened again, but at least fifteen days apart, and this time, it can validly deliberate, regardless of the number of members present or represented.

In any case, the statutes can only be amended by a two-thirds majority of the members present or represented.

Article 21

The General Assembly, called upon to decide on the dissolution of the Association and specially convened for this purpose, under the conditions provided for in Article 20, must consist of at least one more than half of the members in office; if this proportion is not reached, the Assembly is convened again, but at least fifteen days apart, and this time, it can validly deliberate, regardless of the number of members present or represented.

In any case, the dissolution can only be voted on by a two-thirds majority of the members present or represented.

Article 22

In the event of dissolution, the General Assembly appoints one or more commissioners responsible for liquidating the assets of the Association. It allocates the net assets to one or more similar establishments, public or recognized as serving the public interest, or to establishments referred to in Article 6, last paragraph, of the amended Law of July 1, 1901.

Article 23

The deliberations of the General Assembly provided for in Articles 20, 21, 22, are sent, without delay, to the Minister of the Interior and the Minister responsible for Higher Education.

They are valid only after approval by the Government.


Article 24

The President of the Association must inform, within three months, the Prefecture of the department or the sub-prefecture of the district where the Association has its registered office, of any changes in the administration of the Association.

The Association's registers and accounting records are presented, without moving, upon any requisition from the Minister of the Interior or the Prefect, to themselves or their delegate or any official accredited by them.

The annual report and accounts are sent each year to the Prefect of the department, the Minister of the Interior, and the Minister responsible for Higher Education.

Article 25

The Minister of the Interior and the Minister responsible for Higher Education have the right to have establishments possibly founded by the Association visited by their delegates and to be informed of their operation.

Article 26

The Internal Regulations prepared by the Board of Directors of the Association and adopted by the General Assembly are sent to the prefecture of the department. It can only enter into force after approval by the Minister of the Interior.