Making scientific preparatory classes for elite schools a springboard for social and gender inclusivity
Press Release
CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, and École des Ponts ParisTech commit to making scientific preparatory classes for elite schools a true catalyst for social and gender inclusivity
The three institutions are launching a joint program aimed at supporting students enrolled in scientific preparatory classes within high schools in the Paris-Saclay area and the Créteil Academy. The goal is to accompany them throughout the year as they prepare for entrance exams, equipping them with appropriate tools to facilitate their integration into one of the three schools.
Approximately thirty students will join the program starting from the next academic year 2024-2025. This program will be open to any other elite school wishing to join.
CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, and École des Ponts ParisTech have decided to combine their efforts to concretely promote greater social and gender diversity within elite schools. They are launching a support program for students in scientific preparatory classes located within their territories, with two objectives: to combat persistent stereotypes, psychological barriers, and self-censorship, and to increase the success chances of students from modest social backgrounds or young women who might hesitate to apply for entrance exams.
This program has been designed to boost their confidence, inform and inspire them in their pursuit of studies at elite schools, and provide them with content and tools that contribute to their success. To achieve this, it includes:
- Tutoring/mentoring sessions throughout the year by students and/or alumni from each partner school; each tutor/mentor will personally guide a preparatory class student throughout the year.
- Working sessions on the campuses of partner schools (visits, specific study times related to exam subjects such as English, TIPE, etc., exchanges with students)
- 3 cross-cutting thematic webinars (methodology, stress management, oral communication)
- Coverage of exam fees for non-scholarship recipients (fees are already covered for scholarship recipients)
- A living stipend of 1000 euros for certain students with limited financial resources to allow them to focus on their studies
Since territorial proximity and dynamics are at the heart of the program, CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, and École des Ponts ParisTech will sign partnership agreements with high schools located in their Paris-Saclay and Créteil Academy territories in the coming months.
The selection of candidates for this program is made by partner high schools. Eligible students include those who meet at least one of the following four criteria: being a young woman; being a scholarship recipient; having a disability; being from a priority neighborhood (QPV) defined by the postal address of the student's parent(s). Additionally, students must provide proof of registration for at least one of the exams for schools in the program.
A final selection will be made by the schools through a commission. Promotions will comprise 50% young women and a minimum of 50% scholarship recipients among the supported preparatory class students.
The first selected scientific preparatory class students will join the program in the academic year 2024-2025. For this pilot launch phase, students in their 2nd year of preparatory class - MP, PC, PT, PSI streams will be targeted. 10 spots per school are planned, totaling approximately 30 supported students for the upcoming academic year. Ultimately, the schools plan to support several dozen students each year in the first and second years of scientific preparatory classes within partner high schools in the territories of the schools associated with the program.
CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, and École des Ponts ParisTech invite other institutions to join them in this common approach to promoting social and gender diversity and to enriching this initiative.
"We are convinced that scientific preparatory classes for elite schools are a springboard for social and gender diversity. It is clear that many young women or scholarship students, for example, naturally impose barriers on themselves even though they have the potential to join our schools. They need to gain confidence, and that is the essence of our program. Partner preparatory classes will select students in advanced mathematics with potential; and our students and alumni, as well as our educational community, will provide concrete assistance throughout the year and give them the keys to succeed in their exams and join our institutions," commented Olivier de Lapparent, Director of the Diversity and Inclusion Center at CentraleSupélec.
Would you like to take action on equal opportunities?
Contact Sophie Lepretre, head of partnerships and sponsorship development.

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