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Gérald Peyroche, appointed to the rank of Knight of the National Order of Merit

Congratulations to Gérald Peyroche, appointed to the rank of Knight of the National Order of Merit by decree of June 8, 2024.Gérald PEYROCHE, an alumnus of ENS Paris-Saclay (Biology, 1991), is a university professor, a teaching researcher at the Laboratory of Applied Biology and Pharmacology and the Department of...

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Erwin Idoux, a Neuroscientist at McKinsey

Erwin Idoux (Class of 1999 – Biology) works at McKinsey & Company, where he has been supporting pharmaceutical laboratories for five years. This life sciences enthusiast boldly transitioned into consulting after a career in research, driven by audacity and determination.Accepted simultaneously at ENS Lyon and ENS...

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Domitille Peigney, en finale du Championnat des Grandes Écoles

Domitille Peigney (2019, biologie) a brillamment décroché sa place en finale du prestigieux Championnat des Grandes Écoles.Créé à la fin des années 90 par le Club des Gentlemen-Riders et des Cavalières, cet événement est exceptionnel. Réservé aux étudiants et étudiantes des écoles membres de la Conférence des Grandes...

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Maxime Breden, Winner of the 2024 Shiing-Shen Chern Young Faculty Awards

Former doctoral student of ENS Paris-Saclay and Université Laval in Quebec, agrégé in mathematics, Maxime Breden is now an Assistant Professor at École Polytechnique and a member of CMAP (Center of Applied Mathematics).From 2014 to 2017 during his thesis, he delved into partial differential equations and dynamical...

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