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Reception of the families of new normalien entrants

Information de l'Ecole



A first discovery of ENS Paris-Saclay

This first reception of the families marks a new key moment in the academic year, where each participant was able to feel fully integrated into the Normalian community even before the start of classes.

The School was indeed pleased to welcome the families of new entrants for a moment dedicated to discovery and exchanges. This event allowed parents, brothers and sisters, and sometimes even grandparents, to familiarize themselves with the environment in which their relatives will evolve.

The families of the new entrants were able to discover the premises presented by 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-year normaliens, thus establishing the first connections with the community. Indeed, the interactions with the normaliens, teachers, researchers, and support staff allowed the families to ask questions, better understand the academic expectations, and establish direct dialogue with those who will accompany their relatives throughout their journey at the School.

The new entrants were therefore able to begin their adventure at ENS Paris-Saclay with increased confidence, surrounded by the support of their loved ones and the encouragement of the entire School team.

Welcome to the new Normalians! 

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